Supporting Wellbeing

Looking after the health and wellbeing of all within our community is of paramount importance to us. 

There are a lot of universal curriculum supports in place to teach young people about their wellbeing, and strategies that can be used to look after your own wellbeing. We want to promote, educate and act as role models in promoting positive well-being. 

We also have a lot of supports in place to help young people with their well being if they feel they are struggling. All young people have a Pupil Support Leader who is always there to support them. These supports include, among others, –  

  • Two counsellors, based in school. 
  • A partnership with Place2Be. Find out about more of their work here –  
  • Staff trained to deliver LIAM and Seasons of Growth.  
  • A Well Being Hub and other quiet spaces for young people.  

There is a very active pupil and staff group supporting well being across the school, with some amazing S5/6 Wellbeing Mentors supporting young people right across the school.