Positive Relationships Policy 


At Portobello High School we are committed to developing positive relationships within our school community and believe this to be essential in encouraging the types of behaviour we want to see from our young people.  Our ethos of promoting positive relationships and achieving together is underpinned by the following initiatives: 

 Achieving Together commitment  

  Class Charts 

  Stepped Actions  


Achieving Together 

Our Achieving Together policy outlines our three school rules, the over and above behaviours we want to encourage from our learners as well as the expectations young people can have of their teachers.  


Class Charts is an online system, that enables teachers to record and communicate ‘Over & Above’ behaviour, as well as behaviour that falls short of our school rules. This information is then easily tracked within school as well as being instantly available to pupils, parents and carers.    

 All young people will be given a class charts account and a unique login so that class charts information can be accessed at any time.    


This system allows us work in closer partnership with families, making it easier to share the successes of our young people as well as helping us work together, when things are not going as well. 


Stepped Actions 

Our Stepped Actions outline the way in which staff will respond to young people, should  

their behaviour fall short of our school community expectations of being Ready, Respectful and Safe

At each point within the Stepped Actions, our aim will be to get the young person back to their learning as quickly as possible.  We are also using the Stepped Actions to notify parents/carers, in a consistent way, when behaviour escalates beyond a ’Caution’.  We believe that working in close partnership with our families is essential in supporting and encouraging the best from our learners and we thank you in advance for your support.