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AH Science Baccalaureate

Advanced Higher

Science Baccalaureate


Curriculum Leader: Mrs. Fey

Course Description

The course consists of an interdisciplinary project along with other science eligible courses to gain an overall award. The course aims to develop the candidates’ skills and abilities as an independent learner. The course is designed to encourage the candidates to draw on many areas of learning from across the curriculum and to make connections between science and the world in which they live, learn and work.

Mandatory Components of the Science Baccalaureate

The mandatory components of the Science Baccalaureate are:

Eligible courses

  • Biology

  • Chemistry

  • Computing Science

  • Design and Manufacture

  • Engineering Science

  • Environmental Science

  • Graphic Communication

  • Geography

  • Human Biology

  • Mathematics*

  • Mathematics of Mechanics*

  • Physics

  • Psychology

  • Statistics*

One of the above Courses must be Mathematics* (or Mathematics of Mechanics* or Statistics*) and this may be at Higher or Advanced Higher level.

Components do not have to be completed in the same academic year, for example a Higher course completed in S5 can contribute.

The Interdisciplinary Project Unit will be graded A, B or C.


The interdisciplinary project is assessed via internal written assessments submitted at regular points throughout the session.

Candidates can be awarded a pass or a distinction on completion of the course

Suitable candidates

Candidates best suited to this course would be students considering moving on to science related studies in further education.