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AH Modern Studies

Advanced Higher

Modern Studies


Curriculum Leader: (Curriculum Leader)

Entry Requirements:

  • REQ1

  • REQ2

  • REQ3

Description of Course

The Advanced Higher Modern Studies course is an in-depth critical examination of the study of Crime and Law in both our society, as well as others around the world. The course essentially examines crime and its impact on society, as well as looking at solutions to try to tackle crime, in particular the prison system.

Course Content

Context B – Understanding Criminal Behaviour

This unit examines the main theories of crime, looking at biological, psychological and sociological theories of crime, perceptions of crime from both the public and the media, as well as the impact of crime on perpetrators, victims, families, communities and wider society.

Context C – Responses to Crime

This unit critically examines different societies’ response to crime, such as the work of the police and the effectiveness of the prison system.

Context D – Research Methods

As well as learning the above topics, learners will examine the world of research methods and the use of different approaches in different studies of crime and criminal behaviour, looking at their merits and ethical considerations.

Throughout all topics, learners are expected to take on a considerable volume of self-study and reading, as this level of Modern Studies requires a deep level of understanding and critical analysis of all topics.

Course assessment:

Component 1 – The Exam

The question paper is out of 90 marks and is made up of two sections. Learners will tackle two essays, one from each Context, followed by two Research Methods questions. Research Methods questions will require the learners to assess the extent to which they can trust sources, advantages and disadvantages of methods and ethical considerations in relation to specific methods.

The exam will last 3 hours.

Component 2 – The Dissertation

The dissertation will allow learners to apply decision-making skills as they research a complex contemporary issue. Candidates have an open choice in the issue chosen for study and are expected to carry out their own primary research methods to support a wide range of reading and analysis on their chosen topic. Teachers will support learners through the dissertation process, however this component and individual piece of work and requires a high level of motivation and self-discipline.

The project (dissertation) has 50 marks and is submitted for SQA marking by the Easter break.

Progression Routes

Modern Studies is an excellent introduction to the learning experience and research methods of undergraduate work in degree courses such as Law, the Arts or Social Sciences e.g. Politics, Sociology, International Relations and Public Administration. Pupils may also progress to employment in journalism, marketing, local government or any social science related work.