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AH History

Advanced Higher



Curriculum Leader: Mr McCreath

Entry Requirements:

  • Higher History minimum C pass

Description of Course

Advanced Higher History provides the opportunity to add depth to your historical studies and to take greater responsibility for your own learning. Advanced Higher History provides a bridge between school and further study. Critical thinking and analytical skills are crucial to the course and are very attractive to universities, colleges and future employers. The ability to analyse information, reach a judgement and form a coherent argument is further developed through independent study and class activities.

Course Content

The Advanced Higher course looks at one topic in depth.

The options for this course are:

  1. EITHER Northern Britain from the Iron Age to 1034. This is a study of the nature of Iron Age tribal societies north of Hadrian’s Wall, and the relationship between these societies, their changing beliefs and the effects invaders had on them. It covers the nature of Iron Age societies, Roman invasions, changing beliefs and the emergence of the Scottish kingdom.

  2. OR USA: A house divided, 1850-1865. This is a study of the causes, nature and outcomes of the American Civil War. The course will cover American Society and Slavery before the Civil War; US Territorial Expansion; the 1860 Presidential Election and Outbreak of War; the War at Home and Abroad; Leadership During the Civil War; the Emancipation Proclamation; and Reasons for Northern Victory and Southern Defeat.

  3. OR Russia: From Tsarism to Stalinism, 1914-1945. This is a study of the Bolshevik rise to power, Lenin’s consolidation of power, the making of the Stalinist system and the spread of Stalinist authority


The overall grade for Advanced Higher is based on a final examination and a dissertation.

  1. The dissertation is work 50 marks. This will be based on a historical topic which is then researched, drafted and developed by candidates.

  2. The final examination is worth a total of 90 marks and lasts 3 hours.