Portobello Games

Portobello Games 2020, Monday 22 June 

We would like to bring to you our Virtual Sport & Activity Transition Event for 2020.  Please find below all the information you need.  We have a number of Sport and Activity challenges as well as some creative/design challenges for you/your child to complete. 

To make everyone feel like part of the big day we would be delighted to receive your photos/videos of your experiences as the day moves along to our Twitter pages @PortobelloPE and @ActiveSchoolsED – this is at your own discretion and is by no means compulsory.  It would be fantastic to hear how many of the different types of medal are won so we can measure how active everyone has been!

Download the Event Information Pack HERE

Please see below for our demonstration videos kindly put together by Mr Stewart and our Dance Partner (LiveItDance) and Basketball Partner (City of Edinburgh Basketball Club).

Please enjoy your day!

Paddy Dearlove (Active Schools Coordinator)
Elaine Inkster (CL Physical Education)