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Religious & Moral Education

Aims and Philosophy

Religious and Moral Education enables students to engage in the search for meaning, value and purpose in life. Students explore contemporary moral issues and the big questions of life through the study of world religions and other belief systems.  They are encouraged to think for themselves, learn to evaluate and think critically about a wide range of ideas and issues through informed debate and discussion, active learning and investigation.

It is hoped that through Religious and Moral Education learners will come to a deeper awareness of who they are, what they believe and value in life, learning to have a respect for this planet and the people who they share it with.

RME in Portobello High School aims:

  • To provide an open, balanced forum where students can enquire about, discuss and explore important life questions
  • To develop the ability to make reasoned, informed decisions about moral and social questions.
  • To give students knowledge of the teachings of the main religions of the world and how this affects the lives of their followers.
  • To help learners to develop a caring, responsible and understanding attitude towards the world in which they live and the people they share it with.



What Does It Mean to Be Human? Topics Include:

  • Human and Animals- Are we different?
  • Do we have a Soul?
  • Values (The values of Justice, Integrity, Compassion and Wisdom in the Mace of the Scottish Parliament)
  • Religion and Our Environment (including individual research task)
  • Equality and Physical Difference


Belief. Topics Include:

  • What is a Belief?
  • Types of Belief
  • Belief in Action: Inspirational people. E.g. Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela; project of student’s choice
  • Moral Belief and Medical Ethics – e.g. Euthanasia, Organ Donation
  • Beliefs about Life after Death
  • Individual research project into one chosen major world religion’s key beliefs.


Investigating Religion and Belief: Unit 1 of SQA Religion Belief and Values Award:

  • Moral Issues in Technology- E.g. Social Networking and Factory Farming
  • Individual research task from a chosen issue


Values in Action: Unit 2 of SQA Religion Belief and Values Award:

  • Students put their values into action through designing and taking part in a charitable activity or other practical activity related to a chosen personal belief or value.

Study of Capital Punishment as a Contemporary Moral Issue


Interest time

  • Introduction to Philosophy – discussion based class

Certificate RMPS

S3 Nationals

  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Introduction to Religion
  • Introduction to Morality
  • Moral Issues: War and Peace

S4 National

  • World Religion: Hinduism
  • Existence of God
  • Religion, Medicine and the Human Body


National 5/Higher

  • World Religion: Buddhism
  • Origin of Life
  • Religion and Justice

Advanced Higher

  • Philosophy of Religion
  • Religious Experience
  • Dissertation