Aims and Philosophy
- To provide learners with an insight into the world they live in through the examination of both UK and international issues which shape the world today
- To use this knowledge to encourage our learners to have a global awareness, shape opinions and educate others to the inequalities around the world
- To enable our learners to become active citizens, not only in their local community, but also in the wider world, through the knowledge learned of UK and global institutions, political processes and influence of outside agencies, e.g. charities, pressure groups and the media
- To use a range of teaching methods to ensure that every type of learner is able to work and learn to the best of their ability and potential
- To provide a safe learning environment to ensure that all learners can express their opinions without fear of embarrassment or criticism, enabling them to become confident and mature individuals
- To use a range of critical skill based lessons to install and develop a range of social skills in our learners that can be transferred into the workplace
- To help our learners achieve the best possible exam results to further their education and qualifications for the workplace
- Introduction to Modern Studies
- Crime and the Law
- Human Rights
S2 and S3
- Scottish Culture and Identity
- International study of China
- Comparison of Scotland and China project
- International Terrorism
- UK Politics and decision making
- Influence of the Media
S3 is the culmination of the Broad General Education during which pupils continue to develop their skills and lay down the foundations for learning in the new National Qualifications.
In S4 pupils will build on what they have learned in S3 leading to the presentation for National 3, 4, or 5 at the end of S4. Further information can be found by using this link:
National 3/4/5
- Democracy and Decision making in Scotland
- Social Issues in the UK: Crime and the Law
- International Issues: The Politics of Development in Africa
- The Added Value Unit on topic of their choice
Intermediate 1 and 2
- Political Issues in the UK: Government and decision making in Central Government
- Social Issues in the UK: Wealth and Health Inequalities in the UK
- International Issues: The USA
- Electoral Systems, Voting and Political Attitudes
- Health and Wealth Inequalities in the UK
- International Issues: The USA
- International Issues: The Politics of Development in Africa
Advanced Higher
Study Theme 2: Law and Order and Research Methods
- The Causes and Effects of Crime in the UK
- Penal Systems in the UK
- Research Methods
- 5000 word dissertation of their own research on any topic from the Law and Order theme