New site is under construction and will launch in April.


Aims and Philosophy

  • Develop to their fullest each pupil’s language skills and ability to express their own thoughts and feelings clearly, confidently and fluently, both orally and in writing.
  • Through the study of literature, to develop pupils’ awareness of the society in which they live and of other societies.
  • To foster the self-confidence of each pupil and their belief in the worth of their own ideas.
  • Create and foster the enjoyment of English literature and language and stimulate pupils’ curiosity.
  • Give pupils skills to be able to read “beyond the literal” meaning and appreciate a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • Inspire pupils to read for pleasure through the use of the library.
  • Give pupils the ability to become independent learners.
  • Provide pupils with the opportunity to achieve qualifications relevant to today’s work place

S1 to S3
Courses in S1, S2 and S3 are based on the Literacy and English outcomes of the Curriculum for Excellence.  Literacy is fundamental to all areas of learning, as it unlocks access to the wider curriculum and increases opportunities for young people in all aspects of life.  While there is a particular focus on significant aspects of learning in English, pupils are also supported in the development of skills in Talking, Listening, Reading and Writing which will support their learning across the curriculum. Pupils will be encouraged to see those literacy skills as underpinning success in all of their learning

In both S1 and S2, pupils will be given opportunities to:

  • Communicate, collaborate and build relationships
  • Reflect on and explain their literacy skills, using feedback to help them improve and giving others feedback to support their learning
  • Engage with and create a wide range of texts in different genres
  • Develop their understanding of their own culture and language
  • Explore the richness of English and Scots, how they can affect them, and the creative possibilities they offer
  • Extend and enrich their vocabulary
  • Enjoy exploring and discussing word patterns and text structures.

In S1, these experiences will be enriched by:

  • A series of six lessons in the library, reflecting on the relevance of their literacy skills across their learning
  • A series of six lessons in Drama, introducing them to a subject they may be interested in pursuing in S3
  • The opportunity to take part in events organised as part of the Literary Festival
  • Involvement in the ‘Scotland and Its People’ project in January, discussing and creating texts in Scots

In S2, these experiences will be enriched by:

  • The opportunity to take part in events organised as part of the Literary Festival
  • The S2 Reading Challenge, which encourages pupils to use the library to support them in reading more widely and more often

In S3, pupils will begin preparation for the Senior Phase of English.  For many, this will involve extending their learning into the fourth level experiences and outcomes.  For all, their learning will be enriched by:

  • The opportunity to bring their skills in Reading, Writing, Talking and Listening together in one project, as they will be required to do in the senior courses.  This more formal assessment will support pupils in their preparation for S4, and help them understand which senior course is likely to be most appropriate for them.

In S4 pupils will build on what they have learned in S3, leading to presentation for National 3, 4 or 5 Qualifications at the end of S4. Further information about the National Qualifications  can be found by using this link: Nationals in a Nutshell

National 4

  • Analysis and Evaluation Unit
  • Creation and Production Unit
  • Literacy Unit
  • Added Value Unit

National 5

  • Analysis and Evaluation Unit
  • Creation and Production Unit
  • Folio of Coursework (1 creative and 1 persuasive essay)
  • Exam (Close reading paper, a question paper on a selected Scottish text and a critical essay)

S5 / S6


  • Units: Analysis and Evaluation, Creation and Production
  • Course award: 40% Close Reading exam, 40% Critical Essay exam, 20% Writing Folio.

Advanced Higher

  • Units: Specialist Study, Creative Writing/Textual Analysis, Literature.

Curriculum Leader: Ms J Allen