Curriculum Review FAQ

Frequent Asked Questions

Is the status quo an option or do you have to change things?

Why do you have to change things?

What happens if numbers aren’t great enough to run classes?

I would like to be assured that a subject dropped at S3 could be picked up at National 5 in S5 and Higher in S6

Are current S2 pupils still choosing the electives at the end of S2?  When will they sit exams?

If the emphasis is on flexibility, why can’t 8 subjects at National 5 be considered for more academic pupils?

 What do Universities think of the proposals?

Why are PSE and RME mandatory?  Science or languages are much more important.

Why are English and Maths the only compulsory qualifications?

Will there be vocational learning?

How can pupils be supported so that exams from S4 onwards aren’t such a shock to the system?

How would learners be able to pick up subjects in S5/6 when not studied in S3?

Would it be possible for pupils to ‘semi-specialise’ in S3 but make final subject choices in S3?

Can P7 curriculum be changed to prepare pupils better for the breadth of the High School Curriculum?

How will you manage the current S2 through the S3 transition to a new system?