Pupil Support at Portobello High School is designed to provide an integrated and planned approach to ensure that each pupil is known and valued and has his or her needs met.
The school operates a vertical support system which is organised around four houses: Abercorn, Brunstane, Crichton and Duddingston. Each house is led by a Depute Head Teacher and a Pupil Support Leader. Within each house, staff have a responsibility for the personal, curricular, vocational and social development of the pupil’s progress, in addition to offering personal counselling and pastoral care. To ensure each pupil achieves their full potential, house staff liaise regularly with teachers, parents and, where necessary, appropriate agencies from the wider community.
Please contact the appropriate Pupil Support Leader if you would like to discuss any concerns regarding your child’s welfare or progress.
All pupils are allocated to a Key Adult Group with pupils from the same year group which continues throughout their time at Portobello High School. Each group is in the care of a Key Adult and meets at the start of the day for registration on a Tuesday and a Thursday and for a lesson on a Wednesday. The Key Adult session on a Wednesday is used to deliver a wide ranging program with a key focus on academic mentoring.
Younger siblings, where possible, will be allocated to the same house and Pupil Support Leaders to foster closer links with the family.