Message from Ruth McKay. Head Teacher, and NHS Lothian
As you may already know, we are aware of persons in the school who have tested positive for COVID-19. We have been working closely with NHS Lothian Health Protection Team and following all national guidance.
A number of people have now been contacted because they have been in close and sustained contact with the case and the tracking process is now complete.
These contacts will need to self isolate and appropriate guidance and advice has been given.
If you have not been contacted, your child should attend school as normal.
If you have any concerns in the meantime, or if you need to book a COVID-19 test because your child has developed symptoms (high temperature, a new continuous cough and/or a loss or change in sense of smell or taste) please visit the NHS Inform website or for non-clinical advice call 0800 028 2816.
Remember to stay at home if anyone in the household has symptoms of COVID-19.
For further information you may find this Frequently Asked Questions document useful :
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