SQA Exams
This year’s diet of SQA Exams begin on 2 May. This week all learners took part in an assembly which set out arrangements and expectations. They were also issued with a letter and personalised timetable. We wish all of learners (and parents!) good luck with the exams.
Exam Boosters
Following a positive trial during our prelims, all departments will now be offering exam booster sessions immediately before the start of their SQA exams. These sessions aim to help students to enter the exam in a positive frame of mind and provide a reminder of key strategies and points for individual subjects. Further information is contained in the letter which was issued to pupils this week.
S6 Last Day
Friday 28 April is the last formal day of school for our S6. A letter will be sent to all S6 parents detailing arrangements for the day. All other learners should attend classes as normal on this day and the usual high expectations regarding behavior will apply.
Suspended Timetable
Suspended Timetable this year runs during the last week of term and offers an opportunity to take part in a range of different activities. S1 and 2 learners received information about this year’s programme this morning in Key Adult Groups. Learners in S3 -5 can access this information on the school website.
Staff Achievement
Congratulations to Julie Nisbet from our Modern Studies Department, who has been shortlisted for the Health Champion section in the Local Hero Award, run by the Edinburgh Evening News.
A Health Champion is someone who has improved people’s health and/ or made an impact on the quality of life of an individual. They may work in the NHS or health care industry, providing a service above and beyond the call of duty, taking personal responsibility for a person’s wellbeing. They may be a champion for health and well-being issues, healthy lifestyles and exercise in the community. Ms Nisbet has been nominated for her Clubbercise work.
Visit to Napier University
Learners studying for a National Progression Award in Cyber Security would like to say thanks to Peter, Craig and Rich for the penetrating insight into web apps that they were able to benefit from during their visit to Napier University. Thanks to Mrs Stewart-Kmicha for organising.