S6 – iPAD Return

We have reached the end of an era as our S6 pupils leave us as young adults and take their next steps in their lives.

We would like to ask for your support in our final task with S6 which is recovering their iPads so we can reissue them to another year group.

We still have a significant number to be returned. Each pupil should have received a note on the day of their last exam asking them to see our IT Technician (Mr Russell), Mr McKee (CL Computing) or Mr Cotter (Depute Head) to return this iPad.

If your son / daughter has returned their iPad, please pass on my thanks for doing so promptly. If they have not yet returned it, could you please ask them to do so by close of School on Monday, 13th June?

We will need to continue to pursue the recovery of the iPads and your support in reducing the administration time it would take to do this would be very much appreciated.
