Eco Committee – School Grounds Saturday Surgery

Our Eco Team stalwarts have continued to work hard this term: as well as working on a project focused on transport issues around Portobello, they have run a Car Free / Car Share day, continued to offer a monthly fairtrade stall and enlisted the help of staff and parent / carers to do a makeover on our biodiversity garden on Saturday, 19th March.

These before and after photos show our spruced-up flowerbeds and paths – a big thank you to everyone who came along. We’re keen to have more volunteers to help pot some of our plants after summer in preparation for the move to the new building, so if you’re interested please check the website for updates.


West view before East view before






West view after East view after





PHS also hosted an Edinburgh Eco-Schools training session on Friday, 11th March, sharing good practice with other schools and nurseries looking to apply for Green Flag awards in the authority.